Friday, August 15, 2008

Quinoa, O- How I Love Thee

I have recently found a love for quinoa (pronounced keen-wa) that I have been wanting to share with everyone. Quinoa is a grain, it is wheat free and gluten free (two things that I think are hard for me to digest), it is easy to prepare, can be eaten hot or cold, and is yummy no matter what you add to it. Additional it is low in calories and fat, has more protein than any other grain and is a complete protein grain providing all the essential amino acids in a balanced pattern. So what can one do with this super food? Almost anything, which is why I love it. Mostly I add mozzarella cheese, fresh basil and tomatoes then put a good amount of balsamic vinegar on it with a small amount of olive oil. My husband loves this as well and says it is super filling. I have a girlfriend who puts different dressing on it like pomegranate chipotle as well as the previously mentioned ingredients. This same girlfriend put feta, fresh spinach, olives and dates with it and sprinkled it with olive oil, also yummy! But I have also put a little milk and agave nectar on it for breakfast. My boys love it just plain and will just grab a container out of the fridge. The possibilities are endless. Here are some photos, if you try it you will be addicted too.

This is uncooked, I get the pre washed, no rinse type.

This is cooked and plain.

This is what we eat, the stuff that looks like tofu is mozzarella,

but tofu would be yummy too.

1 comment:

The Browns said...

okay, I'm convinced. I'll give it a try.

Love you!